Sunday, December 20, 2009


Children- we should never forget that they are the future of mankind. They have to look after for a better tomorrow. Children have been exposed to every form of violence - , war victims, rape, killings, beatings, prostitution. War has taken on new, more horrifying character to an increasing extent; children’s are becoming directly involved in wars as a shield. I have read that children and women are placed in front to protect the extremists from police &gun shots. Even in our country it’s seen that children’s are placed for job, when placing children’s for job the entrepreneur can save lots of money than placing a grown up person. Child prostitution is also becoming increasing in our country. When incidents of child brutality come as news it will be covered by the culprit with his so called man power or political connections. The news media has much and more to do against the brutality of childrenin India. A combination of fear and poverty drives some parents to hand their children over to child labour, or illegal activities. There are also children who just become soldiers to survive.

Why can’t we spare the children from all these. The leaders and groups take care of their own children, and simply show off and talk more to get attention in the crowd. All children who die in the war zone are not killed for their own reason, but they are killed for some of the reasons of their leaders who want to conquer the world, but they don’t know that their world will never stand without a good new generation of children. When ones own child starves for food or get killed then they will know the pain.

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